Unit Four Online Course details
Friday September 17th | 3hr session
Beginning: 6.30pm (NSW, VIC, QLD), 6.00pm (SA), 4.30pm (WA)
Saturday September 18th | 6hr session
Beginning: 9.30am (NSW, QLD, VIC), 9.00am (SA), 7.30am (WA)
Friday October 8th | 3hr session
Beginning: 6.30pm (NSW, VIC), 6.00pm (SA), 5.30pm (QLD) 3.30pm (WA)
Saturday October 9th | 6hr session
Beginning: 9.30am (NSW, VIC), 9.00am (SA), 8.30am (QLD) 6.30am (WA)
Please register using the MS Form, returning back to this page to complete registration with full payment. Cost per student $150, students repeating this unit $95.