
Healing Earth DVD


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Product Description


John and Mark Sandford

In this landmark seminar, John and Mark Sandford teach Christian principles for properly relating to nature and indeed bringing healing to the earth itself.

John and Mark explain from the scriptures how mankind was intended to steward and heal nature, as well as how mankind’s wrong actions have injured the earth.

The seminar is sprinkled with additional information that has been added since the book went to press.

These four engaging sessions were set in a studio atmosphere with a live audience, and is available to be purchased as either DVD or CD sets.

The titles of the sessions are:

  • God’s Creatures Fall and Rise with Us
  • Overcoming Strongholds Regarding the Earth
  • Reconciling With and Healing Nature
  • Cleansing House and Land.


Additional information

Weight N/A

DVD $50.00, USB $50.00


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