Teaching Series

Teaching Series

In addition to the Keys to Transformation training course, we also have a number of teaching series available to purchase. These teachings were formerly presented as Elijah House Seminars and sit alongside the Keys to Transformation course as either additional or more comprehensive understanding on some of the topics covered.

These teaching were previously exclusive to Elijah House run Seminars (at a cost was $100 per participant) or for personal study.

We have now reduced the price of participating in these teaching events by only charging for the cost of the workbook, $50, and opened it up to be used within Bible study groups, home fellowships or with Pastoral care teams,  albeit without EH  prayer ministry being made available during the teaching sessions.

Please note, that the teaching set (CD/DVD/MP4) still needs to be purchased, and are now bundled together with all  teachings, ministry demonstrations and one workbook for $130!

Elijah House will still run these seminars, with ministry made available, at the new price of $50 per person. Any EHMA led Seminars can found on the Events calendar. Participants outside of the Elijah House ministry team can still access and utilise these teaching series without EH  prayer ministry being made available during the teaching sessions.


Sandra Sellmer-Kersten

The Journey of the Heart  seminar, with Sandra Sellmer-Kersten, was launched in Australia during Sandra’s national tour in 2019.

The topics within this teaching series focussed on the woundings of the heart- how they get lodged, stay stuck and how to get  free.

This series is highly recommended for anyone wanting to learn about ministering to the heart and is a brilliant pre-cursor for the Keys to Transformation training course.

This 8 video teaching set is available as either DVD or MP4, and has an accompanying Workbook.

The set includes the following teaching topics and prayer ministry demonstrations:

  • Beyond the Bandage
  • The Journey Through Brokeness
  • The Journey to the Cross
  • The Journey to Forgiveness
  • The Journey to the Father’s Heart
  • The Journey of Reconciliation- (Seeing the Father as He Truly Is)
  • Prayer Ministry Demonstration- Christina
  • Prayer Ministry Demonstration- Jamie


Sandra Sellmer-Kersten

Trauma comes in many forms: physical, loss, betrayal, events that happened to us and things that didn’t happen (but  actually we needed those things to thrive).  This teaching series defines trauma, explains why some people are more susceptible to it, and reveals how to pray to release it.

Presented by Sandra Sellmer-Kersten, this teaching set is made up of:

  • Australian Seminar 6 teachings
    • Introduction and The many faces of trauma
    • The devastating effects of trauma
    • How we get stuck in trauma
    • Praying to release trauma
    • The trauma of unmet need
    • Corporate trauma prayer
  • USA series title: Healing the trauma of Sexual Abuse
  • Three individual trauma prayer and demonstrations
  • Comprehensive Workbook

For a limited time we are offering the 10 discs of teachings plus prayer demonstrations,  and workbook, as a bundled product. Available as DVD or CD. (MP4 not available at this time, yet.)


Sandra Sellmer-Kersten

Shame causes us to build walls of protection around our heart, and hide from God and others. This teaching series, by Sandra Sellmer-Kersten, explores how shame affects our lives, families, churches, generations and culture, and how to find its root causes so that we may effectively minister and bring healing.

Those seeking greater understanding of the role of shame in their life, such as human service professionals, pastoral carers and chaplains, and prayer ministers would find this resource an incredible blessing to their personal understanding and ministries.

This series is available as either DVD or CD, and has an accompanying comprehensive workbook.

This set includes the following teaching topics, plus demonstration and blessing:

  • Shame?  Who ME?  
  • Shame and its Devastating Effects
  • Rejection and Shame
  • The Roots of Shame Go Deep Part 1
  • The Roots of Shame Go Deep Part 1
  • Strongholds of Shame
  • Ministry Demonstration
  • Blessing Prayer


Sandra Sellmer-Kersten

Finding our true identity in Christ, and embracing His Kingdom mandate!

This is the message that Christ is posing to each one of us in the Body of Christ in this very hour.

In this teaching series, Sandra Sellmer-Kersten teaches about how we have the chance to be set free from the things that have bound us, set free from our insecurities and fears and the masks that we have been wearing, a chance to live from the new heart that Jesus has given us.

We have a chance to stop hiding and step into our true identity as sons and daughters of the King of Kings…a chance to walk in the destiny and future that He has prepared for us.

This series  is available as either DVD or CD, and has an accompanying comprehensive workbook.

This set includes the following teaching topics, plus ministry demonstration and corporate prayer:

  • The Heart of a King
  • Kings & Queens in Ill-fitting Armour
  • Lies that silence our Song
  • Dragon or Dragon Slayer?
  • Vessels fit for the Master’s use
  • Let the Sleeping Giant Rise
  • Corporate Prayer
  • Ministry Demonstration

About Sandra Sellmer-Kersten

Sandra is a dear friend to EHMA and a highly gifted leader and teacher within the global family of Elijah House.

Much of our teaching series and Keys to Transformation training videos have been authored or co-authored by Sandra as she dedicates her ministry to helping the Body of Christ become fully restored.

Sandra served with Elijah House Ministries (USA) for nine years under John and Paula Sandford and has traveled around the world ministering, teaching and training.

Sandra married her husband Peter in 2011 and moved to New Zealand.

Peter and Sandra founded their own ministry, House of Nacham. (Nacham is a Hebrew word which means to comfort, console, to have compassion for. To repent; to have a change of heart, mind, conduct and purpose.)

They also work closely with EH NZ and EH USA.


Mark and Maureen Sandford

This teaching series, by Mark and Maureen Sandford, is designed to equip not only young parents, but also grandparents, step-parents, foster parents, and even fatherly and motherly mentors, to become wellsprings of healing for the hearts of children of any age.

Each video identifies problems, offers solutions, and poses questions to guide you in bringing wholeness to the priceless gift that is the next generation. A comprehensive workbook is available.

Topics include:

  • Apologies
  • Restitution
  • Emotions
  • Discipline
  • Bitter Root Judgements
  • Bitter Root Expectancies
  • Inner Vows
  • Prebirth and Infancy
  • Blessing


Mark Sandford

Uncovering God’s Purposes- Hearing God’s Voice and Knowing His Will, was a seminar presented by Mark Sandford in Brisbane, 2011.

The session topics include:

  • How do I hear God?
  • The Prophetic Gift from God
  • The Gifts of the Spirit: Direct Speech and Dark Speech
  • The Character of the Prophetic Person
  • Healing for the Burden Bearer
  • The Purposes of the Prophetic

This seminar is available as DVD or CD, with an accompanying workbook.


John and Mark Sandford

In this landmark seminar, John and Mark Sandford teach Christian principles for properly relating to nature and indeed bringing healing to the earth itself.

John and Mark explain from the scriptures how mankind was intended to steward and heal nature, as well as how mankind’s wrong actions have injured the earth.

The seminar is sprinkled with additional information that has been added since the book went to press.

These four engaging sessions were set in a studio atmosphere with a live audience, and is available to be purchased as either DVD or CD sets.

The titles of the sessions are:

  • God’s Creatures Fall and Rise with Us
  • Overcoming Strongholds Regarding the Earth
  • Reconciling With and Healing Nature
  • Cleansing House and Land.

The book is in our online bookstore.


Robert and Kathie Fetveit

Patterns of rage, explosive outbursts, and seething anger may seem like an insurmountable mountain that doesn’t move or go away no matter how hard you try or how much you pray.

“Overcoming Anger” is an eight-week course, presented by Robert and Kathie Fetveit, that will help you conquer that mountain. This teaching series is available as a DVD set or MP4 on USB. It has an accompanying comprehensive workbook.

Session topics include:

  • Recognition
  • Taking responsibility
  • Created for Relationship
  • The Root of the Matter
  • Emotions
  • Humility
  • Trust
  • Accountability
  • Demonstration

Copyright © Elijah House Australia. Design + Development by Red Licorice.